Seattle Public Schools

Title IX: Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault

Task Force

2019 Title IX Task Force

The work of the 2019 Title IX Task Force was completed in Spring 2022.

Board Policy 3208 commits Seattle Public Schools (district) to a positive and productive education and work environment free from discrimination, including sexual harassment. The corresponding Superintendent Procedure, 3208SP, details the formal and informal procedures that incorporate the requirements of RCW 28A.640, WAC 392-190-056 through 392-190-075, and Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972.

Pursuant to Superintendent Procedure 3208SP, the deputy superintendent, as delegated by the superintendent, is convening a task force (“2019 Title IX Task Force”) during the 2019 calendar year to review the use and efficacy of Board Policy 3208 and Superintendent Procedure 3208SP, as well as other tasks as detailed below in the scope of work.

Based on the work of the committee, staff from the Office of Student Civil Rights (OSCR) shall prepare a report to the superintendent including, if appropriate, any recommended policy and procedure changes.

The objective of the review is to inform current practices to ensure the district has comprehensive and accessible programs in the following areas:

  1. A procedure and protocol to effectively respond to reported incidents of alleged sexual harassment, including sexual assault/violence and sexual misconduct, that complies with state, and federal regulations, which also considers developmentally appropriate supports and due process rights for all parties involved; and
  2. A developmentally appropriate educational and outreach component for the prevention of sexually harassing or sexual misconduct behaviors.

This review should ensure that these programs do not merely demonstrate compliance with applicable federal and state laws, but also demonstrate the district’s commitment to safe and civil education and work environments.

  1. Review and provide input on current practices including:
    • posting of required notices;
    • training of staff on responding to reports of alleged sexual misconduct;
    • response to complaints, including investigations;
    • identification and implementation of support responses and remedies;
    • data tracking of reported incidents;
    • prevention curricula for students;
    • outreach program for parents/guardians and community members.
    • The work in this area will include a review of reported incidents of sexual misconduct received by the district from the 2015-16 academic year to the current academic year.
  2. Review and provide input on the district’s educational activities for students regarding the awareness and prevention of sexual misconduct and sexual harassment.
  3. Based on the reviews detailed above, develop recommendations to the superintendent for any policy and procedure revisions.

Work from the 2019 Title IX Task Force will be presented as recommendations and opinions to the superintendent and school board by means of communication from OSCR throughout the period of time the task force convenes. The 2019 Title IX Task Force will publish meeting agendas and non-confidential meeting minutes on the website. A final report will include a review of all projects and activities, as well as all recommendations of the 2019 Title IX Task Force. The 2019 Title IX Task Force will not serve for the purpose of decision-making. Any decisions regarding policy and procedures shall remain with the superintendent and school board.

Reports and Related Documents from 2015 Task Force

Title IX Coordinator Interim Report  May 2015

Sexual Assault and Harassment Prevention, Response and Policy Survey Summary  May 2015

Addendum Interim Report Title IX Task Force  July 2015

District Response to Interim Report  January 2016

Final Report of the Task Force for Prevention of and Response to Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault  Submitted December 9, 2015

District Response to Prevention of Sexual Harassment and Sexual Assault Task Force’s Final Recommendation Report Prepared by Kelli Schmidt, Student Civil Rights Officer (SCRO) January 14, 2016

2015 Task Force Charter 

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